Saturday, August 27, 2011

Mind Over Munchies

Dear Amber,
It is such a relief to know that you haven't fallen off the face of the planet! This world would not be the same without you. :o)

I'm so proud of you for fighting the late night munchies - I recently subscribed to "SHAPE" magazine and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! I snagged a $3 year's subscription through another magazine and have been in love ever since! Anyway, I was reading it last night and there was a great article titled "Mind over munchies." I couldn't find the exact article online but I found one similar to share
Mind Over Munchies. Also, in this handy dandy magazine, I found an advertisement for "Silk Pure Coconut Milk." It has less fat that regular milk and it not supposed to upset the tummy for those with dairy allergies, etc. I'm going to Whole Foods to pick some up this week and Ill let you know how it is.

My surgery is Tuesday (and I'm getting kinda nervous) and Ill be down for at least a week. I may try to get in a walk or two the following week. I don't want to attempt to do any core exercises until I'm given the all clear, but walking is a necessary evil and I think I would shake off some of my stress this way. And speaking of exercise... I'm probably going to have to change gyms. The YMCA is a wee bit expensive and not close to home. There are a couple of other gyms (Bally's and LA Fitness) closer to home and they are a bit cheaper too. I might look into those and see if I like them. I really only use the treadmill and elliptical so for the savings it may be same-same.

I'm starting to feel some inspiration/motivation creeping back in - I lost it there for a while! School is back in session and work is busier than ever so going to the gym again will be a great stress reliever.

Anyway, read the article if you find some time - I found it interesting and helpful :o)

Miss you!

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